Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Staff Directory


Photo of Wayne Pallett

Wayne Pallett

Principal - Gr. 12 Administrator

Photo of Gordon Vatcher

Gordon Vatcher

Vice Principal - Grade 9 Administrator, Athletic Director

Photo of Kyle Mckenzie

Kyle Mckenzie

Vice Principal - Grade 10 Administrator

Photo of Katrina van der Meer

Katrina van der Meer

Vice Principal - Grade 11 Administrator

Administrative Assistants

placeholder image for Janine Dublanko

Janine Dublanko

Admin Support

Photo of Christina Eileen

Christina Eileen

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Kendra DeMartini

Kendra DeMartini


placeholder image for Janis Myndio

Janis Myndio


Wellness Team

placeholder image for Kala Beers

Kala Beers

Family Liaison Worker

placeholder image for Jillian Hannigan

Jillian Hannigan

Family Liaison Worker

Photo of Robin Mackenzie

Robin Mackenzie



placeholder image for Jean Pantherbone

Jean Pantherbone


Photo of Ross Bekkering

Ross Bekkering


Photo of Jaqueline Bennis

Jaqueline Bennis

placeholder image for Glen Bowie

Glen Bowie


Photo of Michelle Bright

Michelle Bright


Photo of Dave Brown

Dave Brown


Photo of Sarah Brunner

Sarah Brunner

Photo of Todd Bullock

Todd Bullock

PE & Outdoor Ed

Photo of Chrystele Chevallier-Grabinska

Chrystele Chevallier-Grabinska

French Immersion

Photo of Michaela Dilworth - Baum

Michaela Dilworth - Baum


Photo of Jaclyn Dudas

Jaclyn Dudas

Photo of Tony Dunlop

Tony Dunlop

Photo of Dave Fletcher

Dave Fletcher

Social Studies

Photo of Kelly Frewin

Kelly Frewin


Photo of David Fuller

David Fuller

Learning Support Teacher & English Language Learner

Photo of Jesse Gamble

Jesse Gamble

Photo of Danielle Gareau

Danielle Gareau

French Immersion

Photo of Cory Gillespie

Cory Gillespie

PE/Fitness & Performance

Photo of Kendra Greve

Kendra Greve

Photo of Nadine Gurtner

Nadine Gurtner

Photo of Micheal Harrison

Micheal Harrison

Photo of Cody Hemmerling

Cody Hemmerling

Photo of Cory Hoffner

Cory Hoffner


Photo of Blake Hyggen

Blake Hyggen

Multimedia & Computers

Photo of Elaine Jacklynn

Elaine Jacklynn


Photo of Will Kellett

Will Kellett

placeholder image for Stacey Keraiff

Stacey Keraiff

Photo of Tiffany Kiist

Tiffany Kiist


Photo of Kimberly Kocken - On Leave

Kimberly Kocken - On Leave


Photo of Renee Kukucha

Renee Kukucha

Fashion & Foods

Photo of Amber Lacourciere

Amber Lacourciere

Photo of Arron Lai

Arron Lai


Photo of Joelle Lavergne - On Leave

Joelle Lavergne - On Leave

French Immersion/Science/Math

Photo of Darren Majeran

Darren Majeran


Photo of Justin Malec

Justin Malec


Photo of Jennifer Marr

Jennifer Marr


Photo of Cilena Mathieu

Cilena Mathieu


Photo of Dustin McCubbing

Dustin McCubbing


Photo of Mylanda Miller - On Leave

Mylanda Miller - On Leave


Photo of Elaina Mohrmann

Elaina Mohrmann


placeholder image for Gracie Morbeck

Gracie Morbeck

Photo of Laura Murphy-Burke - On Leave

Laura Murphy-Burke - On Leave

Social Studies

Photo of Alanna Odorski

Alanna Odorski


Photo of Geordan Olson

Geordan Olson


Photo of Greg Paskuski - On Leave

Greg Paskuski - On Leave


Photo of Tysen Pushor

Tysen Pushor


Photo of Zach Rhodes

Zach Rhodes


Photo of Jesse Sawyer

Jesse Sawyer

Math & PE

Photo of Jen Scott

Jen Scott


Photo of Greg Sheen

Greg Sheen

K & E Program

Photo of Alyssa Sutherland

Alyssa Sutherland


Photo of Riley Swanberg

Riley Swanberg

Photo of John Thai

John Thai

Math & Science

Photo of Janene Ward

Janene Ward


Photo of Jason Wegner

Jason Wegner

Photo of Samuel Yamamoto

Samuel Yamamoto


Photo of Alain Zumbach

Alain Zumbach

Work Experience/RAP Program

Photo of Melanie Erickson

Melanie Erickson

Admin Support for Work Experience/RAP Program

placeholder image for Andrew Krul

Andrew Krul

Off Campus Education Co-ordinator

placeholder image for Jacquie Lowe

Jacquie Lowe

Photo of Taunie Magnuson

Taunie Magnuson

Learning Commons/Textbook Centre

Photo of Victoria Nestorowicz

Victoria Nestorowicz

Educational Assistants

Photo of Doris Anderson

Doris Anderson

Photo of Clarissa Baines

Clarissa Baines

Photo of Nataliia Cherevko

Nataliia Cherevko

Photo of Shannon Dykslag

Shannon Dykslag

Photo of Laura Gonzalez

Laura Gonzalez

Photo of Crista Macklin

Crista Macklin

Photo of Jeremy Newart

Jeremy Newart

Photo of Ryan Radley

Ryan Radley

Photo of Connor Swazey

Connor Swazey

Photo of LeighAnn Wasylechko

LeighAnn Wasylechko

Photo of Lauren Wright

Lauren Wright


Photo of Koji Nagahama

Koji Nagahama


Photo of Zdenka Malezan

Zdenka Malezan

Photo of Jessica Hiscock

Jessica Hiscock

Photo of Marlene Mogge

Marlene Mogge

placeholder image for Lyon Mckay

Lyon Mckay

Photo of Tammy Sutherland

Tammy Sutherland

placeholder image for Paula Georgeson

Paula Georgeson

Contact Staff Member