Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Learning Commons

Looking for a book?

Search the catalog online at Destiny Library

Find LCI and/or Log in using your school based user name and password.

Looking for an e-book?

Search Sora

Selecting Lethbridge Collegiate Institute as your school, and sign in using your school-based username and password. 


Interested in being a part of the podcast club? There are various ways you can take part; hosting, recording and editing, designing posters, submitting your music! Message Victoria Nestorowicz on teams or come chat with her in the LC. Check out our spotify link!

Studying for exams?

  • You can find practice tests on Alberta exam bank (Ask your teacher or Mrs. N in the LC for the password- you can even teams message us) Alberta.Exambank.com.  
  • QuestA+ for practice exams. Questaplus.Alberta.ca 
  • The KEY study guides are curriculum specific resources that help students prepare for exams. They are available to order at the beginning of the year or able to be borrowed and checked out in the learning commons.
  • SOLARO is a help tool based on the Alberta education curriculum that offers study help and exam preparation. It is available on the LPL website under digital content.  Lethbridge Public Library

Author Talks


Mr. Wegner joined us at lunch in the LC to talk about his incredible journey and self-published book Manic Man. Come check out the book in the LC! Call #: 616.895 WEG

(Click on the book cover for more details about the book)

Lunchtime Concert in the LC

Tea for Trio played in the Learning Commons this month. An incredibly talented student Jazz band. 


Are you a singer songwriter or band interested in playing an acoustic lunchtime concert in the LC? Message Victoria Nestorowicz on teams to set up a day to play!

Learning Commons Standards of Practice

-Facilitating a collaborative and engaging environment and to empower and inspire lifelong learning.

-Achieve school goal/vision statement; Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful, and caring.

-Cultivate and develop the eight competencies outlined by the province of Alberta which include; critical thinking, communication, problem solving, collaboration, managing information, cultural and global citizenship, creativity and innovation, and personal growth and well-being.

-Designing a learning environment that supports participation and encourages students to create and produce content.

-Encourage and foster literacy and provide tips and tools to develop fruitful habits.

Welcome to the LCI Learning Commons!


Monday to Thursday
7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m

7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m

Times may vary depending on LC bookings and meetings.

Thank you for your understanding.