Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Supply Lists


Two binders with lined paper

Gr. 9 Math Classes require a scientific calculator.

Gr.10-12 Math Classes require a graphing calculator. (Texas Instrument TI-84)

Writing supplies (pens, pencils, highlighters, ruler)

Water bottle

Gym strip (shoes, shorts, shirt) if taking a PE class

8. Lunch kit for meals (LCI has a full serve cafeteria) 

Recommended Items to Carry

  1. Hand sanitizer (There will some around the school, but we encourage students to use their own to reduce contact points).
  2. Lysol wipes
  3. Laptops are Optional- please remember that the Lethbridge School Division runs on Microsoft. Ipads and chromebooks are not recommended for most school work.