Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Fine Arts Programs

The arts offer you the opportunity to develop and explore personal expressions and skills. They include Art, Instrumental Music, Drama, Dance and Choir. The advantage of the arts is in the development of personal skills and the growth that you achieve will last a lifetime. Skills such as self-discipline, concentration, abstract and critical thinking are universal and can be applied to any career choice. 

The Fine Arts embrace Music, Art, Drama, and Dance without obscuring their individuality. Each has a body of content, partly derived from the insights and interests of those involved. Each has its own mode of expressions and makes its own contribution to society, necessitating the inclusion of the arts as separate sub areas in the school. There are fundamental principles which apply to all these areas. Specifically, the student is involved as a creator, a performer, an historian, a critic and a patron. Throughout the grades, articulated Fine Arts Programs should enchance the depth and breadth of expression and intuitive response. The maturing student learns to appreciate, to understand, to create and to criticize with discrimination those products of the mind, the voice and the head and body which give us dignity and makes survival worthwhile.