Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Personal Device Guidelines

LCI Personal Device Guidelines (2024/2025)

LCI Personal Device Guidelines


Why: The government and LCI want to support student learning, well-being and engagement.  

Based on observation, research, and input from teachers, students, government stakeholders, and caregivers, we know that cellphone use is having a negative impact on student learning, mental health, engagement, and social and emotional development. 

We want to support our students in understanding how cell phones and other personal digital devices impact their learning and wellbeing. We want to teach and model for our students how to use cell phones and devices in an appropriate and healthy way. 


What Is a Personal Device?  

Any personal electronic device capable of communicating or accessing the internet, including but not limited to cellphones, tablets, laptops, earbuds, and smartwatches. 



  • Personal devices are not on your person. This means that it goes in your bag, locker, or the designated space provided by your teacher.  
  • Personal devices are not to be used in learning spaces, including, but not limited to classrooms and Learning Commons. 
  • No personal devices in washrooms or changerooms.  
  • Notifications are turned off in learning spaces.  
  • Students are welcome to access their devices during breaks but are encouraged to build positive in-person interactions.  
  • Exceptions will be made for medical purposes (i.e. monitoring devices). This will be supported and documented in a student’s ISP. Staff will model appropriate personal device use during instruction; however, devices may need to be used to carry out professional duties (i.e. safety, communication, and administrative tasks) 



Questions You May Have

How can I reach my child if I need to contact them in an emergency? In the event of an emergency, you can always contact your child through the office at 403-328-9606. Every classroom has a telephone. The office can call the classroom to connect with them.
What will happen if a student is struggling with the new guidelines and practices? 1. Verbal reminder - Teachers will ask students to place their device in their bag, locker, or in the classroom storage.
2. Contact with home - Teachers will also reach out to parents to work together to help educate students about personal device use.
3. Involve administration - Teachers will connect with Administrators for support if a student continues
What can parents and guardians do to support students in implementing the new guidelines? We believe these guidelines will only help the growth of your child. Parents can support by reviewing the guidelines with their child. Parents and Guardians can avoid texting and messaging during instructional times. Student have scheduled breaks. Please help support your student by waiting for scheduled breaks in the day. (11:50-12:20pm on M-Th or 10:35am - 10:50am on Fri).
What can we do at home to support our student with appropriate device use? Consider implementing device free times at home. Have open conversations about safe use of social media, apps, and communication. Utilize built-in tools in the settings of your device to support your student with managing screen time, app usage, and content consumption.