Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Advisor Course Selection

Student Course Requests & Parent Registration Open - March 11 to 25, 2025

This page is set up to walk students through all of the information they need to properly select their courses for the following school year.  Below, you will find instructional videos on how to properly select courses in PowerSchool, as well as four different advisor lessons that explain what the graduation requirements are in Alberta, how to properly plan your graduation pathway, and what the rules are around selecting courses in high school.  Returning students to LCI will select their courses online through PowerSchool.  At the same time, parents will also need to update the registration form within PowerSchool.  Our goal with student registration is to gather the most accurate information in terms of student enrollment so that we can build a master schedule that will meet all of the student's needs.  All of this depends of parents and students completing their online Registration and Course Request on time.


Instructional Video - Making Course Requests in PowerSchool


Students that do not remember their PowerSchool login information, click here for instructions.


In the weeks leading up to Registration and Student Course Requests, the advisor teachers at LCI will be reviewing some mini lessons with their advisor classes.  The mini lessons are designed to let students know what courses they need in order to graduate, how to navigate those courses through the correct pathway; as well as allow time to plan for the courses they need, and investigate post-secondary opportunities they may not have considered before.  The following videos have been created as installations which break down some of the material covered in those advisor lessons, into manageable portions that students new to LCI, or even new to the Province can digest.  

Instructions on Alberta Graduation Requirements