1701 5th Avenue South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0W4
Phone: (403) 328-9606
Email: lci@lethsd.ab.ca
Fax: (403) 328-9979
Safe Arrival: 866-879-1041
Click Here for Staff Directory
Absence Reporting
With SafeArrival, you are asked to report your child’s absence in advance using any of these 3 convenient methods:
1. Using your mobile device, download and install the SchoolMessenger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The first time you use the app, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
2. The first time you use the website, select Sign Up to create your account. Select Attendance then Report an Absence.
3. Call the toll-free number 866-879-1041 to report an absence using the automated phone system.
These options are available 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Future absences can be reported at any time.
In addition, we will use the SchoolMessenger Communicate automated notification system to contact parents whose child is absent when the absence was not reported in advance. The automated notification system will attempt to contact parents at multiple contact points until a reason is submitted for the absence. If our system is unable to reach the designated contacts, office staff will follow up.
If you report your child’s absence in advance using the SafeArrival toll-free number, website or mobile app, you will NOT receive these notifications.