Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Choir 9 (non-credit course) - A full year option for anyone who enjoys singing a variety of music styles and looks to develop and enhance their skills. 


This is a choral music course designed to help beginning and experienced singers improve their singing abilities. It is helpful for performing arts students as well. They sample all kinds of music and learn sight-reading technique as well as ear training. Music 10 is a prerequisite to Music 20, and 30, exceptions are at the discretion of the instructor. No experience is necessary and both male and female singers from Grades10-12 are welcome. Students enrolled in Music 10, 20, 30 rehearse as one chorus, expectations for each level are different. Those expectations are prescribed by the instructor for those students who are unable to take Music 10 and 20 for 5 credits a semester. Music 10 or 20 can be taken for 3 credits in any semester.