Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Independent Learning Centre

The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) is a classroom where students complete high school courses at their own pace, with limited teacher direction.



Students at LCI may complete courses in the ILC for a variety of reasons, which include, but are not limited to the following:

  • A course they desire to take is not offered in the LCI timetable.
  • A timetable conflict prevents them from taking a desired course.
  • Attendance issues have impacted their ability to complete a course in a traditional classroom.

Some of the more popular courses are:

  • HCS3000 – Workplace Safety Systems (1 credit)
  • Career and Life Management (CALM) 20 (3 credits)
  • Forensic Science (3 or 5 credits)
  • Variety of Psychology courses (3 credits)

At LCI, instruction within a traditional classroom is always preferred, but the ILC is available for students as needed. A referral to the ILC is usually coordinated through an administrator or counsellor in conjunction with the ILC teacher.