Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


The Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Math Department focuses on several developmentally appropriate math skills that all students must know to have sufficient numeracy skills.  Those skills include problem solving, number communication, logical interpretation, and to make connections between mathematics and its applications.  The ultimate goal of for all students to become mathematically literate and to appreciate and value mathematics.  The LCI Math Department builds and create courses as a team meaning that students are assessed utilizing the same tests, quizzes and grading scheme amongst our different teachers.  


Math 9   (non-credit course)

Math 9 is a year long, general Math course in which all grade 9 students are enrolled.  The grade 9 Math course focuses on the four different number strands with the Alberta Program Studies.  Teachers emphasize instruction that helps students prepare for the problem solving questions they will encounter on the Provincial Achievement Test (PAT) at the end of the school year.  It is important to note that there are two parts to the PAT, one that allows students to utilize a calculator, and one that does not.  Therefore, teachers also spend a significant amount of time working with student to develop their mental math skills.   Students do not need a graphing calculator for Math 9.  Scientific calculators will suffice (recommend TI-30X IIS).

  • Prerequisite - All in coming grade 9 students are automatically enrolled in Math 9 regardless of their final marks in grade 8.
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for this course


Math 10-3, 20-3 Stream   (5 credits each)

The dash-3 stream is designed for students who want to learn the mathematics needed to enter the trades or some other post secondary programs.  When completed, Math 10-3 and Math 20-3 provide the 10 credits and Math at the 20 level required to receive your Alberta High School diploma.  You should take the Mathematics -3 stream if you are interested in a trade or wish to enter the workforce after high school.  For more information please visit https://education.alberta.ca/media/564054/math3_fs.pdf

  • Prerequisite - Students who receive a final grade below 50% in Math 9 should be taking Math 10-3.  Any student who receives a final grade below 65% in Math 20-2 will be recommended to take Math 20-3.  
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for these courses


Math 15   (5 credits)

Math 15 is a course that has been created to address learning gaps in numeracy skills after students have completed Math 9.  Math 15 is a 5 credit course that students can take in attempts to fill in some of those gaps and stay in the upper academic math streams.  Grade 9 students who have a final math 9 mark between 50% and 65% are perfect candidates for Math 15.  Students who pass Math 15 and earn those 5 credits can still earn 5 more credits if they complete Math 10C.  Because Math 10-3 does not prepare students for Math 10C, along with the fact that we have noticed a significant number of grade 9 math students that are struggling to maintain marks over 65%, we felt this course would provide those students the additional support to help them achieve their academic goals in Math that might have been out of reach otherwise.  (Please Note - Math 15 is only offered in the first semester of each school year).

  • Prerequisite - Students who receive a final grade between 50% and 65% in Math 9 are encouraged to take Math 15 prior to taking Math 10C.  Rebuilding and emphasizing the important concepts in Math 15 will give students to best chance at finding success in Math 10C.
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for this course


Math 10C   (5 credits)

Math 10C is a very challenging Math course and is a prerequisite for students who want to take Math 20-1 or Math 20-2.  The degree of academic rigor in Math 10C is considerable.  The Mathematical concepts are specifically geared toward students who plan to advance into more rigorous College or University programs.  It is suggested that students obtain a graphing calculator if they plan on taking this math course.  (Please Note - The Texas Instruments 84 (TI84) is the standard used at LCI)

  • Prerequisite - Students who receive a final grade of 70% in Math 9 or Math 15 are encouraged to take Math 10C.  The minimum recommended final grade to advance to Math 10C is a 65%.
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for this course


Math 20-2, 30-2   (5 credits each)

The majority of students should be taking the dash-2 math.  Unless you are focused on getting into the trades (dash-3), or you plan on taking a heavy Science/Math Major in University (dash-1), then dash-2 math will likely be the most optimal class for you.  You should take dash-2 math if you want to attend a university, college or a technical institute after high school, but do not need Calculus skills.  Dash-2 math will also meet admission requirements for programs such as the Arts, Humanities, some Engineering technologies, some Medical technologies, Pre-Law, and Nursing.  Please check with an academic advisor at your planned post-secondary institution for advice on which math stream is best for you.  In many cases, an 75% in Math 30-2 is better on an application than a 65% in Math 30-1.  

  • Prerequisite - Students who finish Math 10C with a final grade below 70% should carefully consider taking the dash-2 Math stream.  A final grade below 65% in Math 10C or Math 20-1 will receive a recommendation to take the dash-2 stream. 
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for these courses


Math 20-1, 30-1   (5 credits each)

Only the top 1/3 of math students should be enrolling in the dash-1 stream.  Only students who plan on taking a heavy Science/Math Major in University (dash-1) where calculus skills are needed should be enrolling in the dash-1 math stream.  Dash-1 math is only required as an admission requirements for University programs such as Science, Bio-Chem, Ag-Bio-Tech, Medicine, Computer Sciences, and Calculus.  Please check with an academic advisor at your planned post-secondary institution for advice on which math stream is best for you.  In many cases, Math 30-1 may not be required for application or admission.  

  • Prerequisite - Students who finish Math 10C or the prerequisite dash-1 course with a final grade of 70% or higher are encouraged to continue with the dash-1 stream.  Should a student receive a final grade below 70%, they should carefully consider if it is worth continuing in the dash-1 stream.  Any final grade below 65% will receive a recommendation to take the dash-2 stream.
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for these courses


Math 31 Calculus   (5 credits)

Math 30-1 is the prerequisite or co-requisite for Math 31.  This means that you must have passed Math 30-1, or at least be taking Math 30-1 at the same time as you take Math 31.  Math 31 introduces skills and topics in calculus and investigates a variety of topics.  Some of the topics Math 31 focuses on are the limit of a function while looking at the relationship between differentiation and integration.  

  • Prerequisite - Math 30-1 is the pre/co-requisite course to take Math 31 
  • Course Fees -  There are no additional fees for this course


More information about the Math curriculum and which stream could best meet your needs can be found in the links below:

Choosing the Right Sequence Information

Mathematics -3 Information

Mathematics -2 Information

Mathematics -1 Information