Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Graduation Information

Did you not yet get your grad photo taken??

Please follow the link below to access the Lethbridge studio booking site for any grads who missed photos or would like a retake.

There are some appointment times available during reading week in February and some dates available in March.



(For details on what the photo session includes please see the information further down in the original post about booking grad photos)

Graduation Dates for 2025


Friday, May 23rd - Convocation 3:00 - 6:00pm

Saturday, May 24th - Grand March/Graduate Dance (6-10pm)


Grad portrait dates are in the process of being established and will be communicated shortly. 

Typically, first photo sessions begin mid-late November.


Student grad committee will begin early October.

Grad Photo Bookings Now Open!

Grad photo sessions are now open to be booked through Prestige Photography! 


To book your grad photos, please either scan the QR code on the flyer, or visit PrestigePortraints.ca


Grad Photography Dates:  Nov. 18-Nov. 29, and Dec. 16-Dec 20, 2024, at LCI in C209

Session Fee: $40. Includes 10-16 Poses / 3-5 Backgrounds /1-2 Outfits  

They photograph a variety of full body/cropped images.  

The sessions will be 30 minutes, and they will do formal cap/gown photos as well as casual photos. (ex. Jeans/t-shirt, sports uniform, etc.)  

They suggest graduates bring a dress shirt and tie, or a v-neck/scoop neck for formal photos. Unfortunately, they will not have shirts and ties for graduates to use.   

The use of props provided by Lifetouch (roses, diploma scroll) is voluntary, they have implemented safety protocols for sanitizing props or will provide one time use props for each sitting. Graduates may also bring appropriate props to be included in their sitting. (ex. football, musical instrument, etc.) 


**Please note there is no 8-digit code required for booking, please search by Province and City**


Click here for PDF flyer

My Pass

Students should be visiting "My Pass" to ensure they are ready for Grad.

Go to My Pass

My Pass allows students to:

  • View and print diploma exam result statements.
  • Order transcripts.
  • View progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate).
  • View student personal information.
  • View and print detailed academic reports (DAR).
  • Order additional copies of a credential.
  • Register for a diploma exam.


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Diploma Requirements

Most students go beyond the minimum diploma or certificate requirements listed below because they want to take advantage of the many choices available in high school or to meet post-secondary entrance requirements. If you are undecided about the path you might take after high school, you are like many students. You will discover your talents and interests while working toward your Diploma or Certificate of High School Achievement.