Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

French Programs

LCI French Immersion Staff

French Language Arts (FLA / Immersion)

French Language Arts (FLA) is for students continuing in the French Immersion program. You continue to extend your French proficiency. As you expand your horizons in one of Canada’s official languages, you will enhance your speaking, listening, reading and writing competencies in French. While creating oral and written presentations, you will learn to plan, elaborate and justify your opinions. You will cultivate a deep appreciation of French language and culture across the globe.

GRADE 9 (no credits earned)

French Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies are taught in French; all other subjects are taught in English. All classes are semestered except for Mathematics that is a yearlong class.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Middle school French Immersion (grades6-8)

  • There is a PAT in the following subjects: English, Social, FLA, Math and Science.
  • The students in French Immersion have a semester of ELA and one of FLA

FLA 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 (5 credits each)


1) Successful completion: FLA grade 9 for 10-1.

2) Successful completion of preceding courses for 20-1 and 30-1 levels.

  • In FLA you will develop your oral comprehension in varied communication situations
  • produce and participate in oral presentations to enhance verbal skills
  • interact with literary and informational texts as well as multimedia
  • compose literary and persuasive texts
  • view French as a means for personal, intellectual and social development


FLA 10-2, 20-2, 30-2 (5 credits each)


1) Successful completion: -FLA grade 9 for 10-2.

2) Successful completion of the preceding levels for 20-2 and 30-2.

  • In FLA you will develop oral comprehension by listening
  • produce and participate in oral presentations to enhance verbal skills
  • produce and present orally to enhance verbal communication skills
  • develop reading comprehension using informational and multi-media texts
  • compose expository, descriptive and persuasive texts
  • view French as a means for personal, social and professional development

Important: There is no Diploma Exam from the government for FLA 30-2. The exam is created at LCI.

Other Academic Courses in French for Immersion Students

If you are in the French Immersion Program, the following courses are taught in French:

Social 10-1, 20-1, 30-1 and Social 10-2, 20-2, and 30-2. At the 30-level, the Social Diploma Exam is offered in French.

LCI Bilingualism Certificate for French Immersion students:

 The criteria for the Bilingualism Certificate in French Immersion requires the successful completion of the French Social Studies and the FLA classes throughout grades 10 to 12.

Download the Lethbridge School District No. 51 French Programming information sheet

French Program Fun!