Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring



Leadership 15/25/35

Welcome to Leadership!  Are you interested in developing a stronger school culture?  Are you interested in giving back to your community and making a difference in the lives of others?  The emphasis of the course is leadership, character development and social responsibility.  The students will demonstrate their understanding of the critical values and attitudes needed to become a leader of oneself, therefore, being able to lead others by example.  Students will actively engage in the delivery and scope of this class by leading various in-class and out of class endeavours.  This engagement will encourage students to take a leadership role and exemplify what they have learned throughout their exploration of leadership.  Through this involvement students will also refine their leadership style, personal vision and their life's direction, and an understanding of their social responsiblities.


Leadership 9

Leadership 9 seeks to teach studetns about what it means to lead and amplify the leadership qualities that each student arleady holds inside, while at the same time establishing new habits and practices.  Leadership is a strong focus at LCI (and other schools) and this course serves to introduce and/or mentor grade 9's in the community of service and leadership.  It also serves as a pathway to leadership courses throughout high school, as well as setting the groundwork for service and leadership as an important part of life throughout high school and beyond.