Registration Information for New LCI Students
Please click on the link below if you are new to the city of Lethbridge, or if you are registering from the Holy Spirit Division. The link below is to be used if you are NEW to the Lethbridge School Division, either by moving into the city, or changing school divisions. This online pre-registration form will automatically be sent to the school you are requesting on the form. A birth certificate and proof of address (copy of parent's drivers license) must be provided in the application. Please be patient as LCI administration will not start looking at new registrations until the end of June.
New to Lethbridge School Division Registration Form
Please click on the link below if you are zoned for another Lethbridge Public School Division high school, but you would like to attend LCI. The form below can be printed off, completed, and then delivered to the office at LCI. If you are zoned for Chinook or Winston Churchill High School, but would like to attend LCI, this is the form that you should fill out.
Out of LCI Boundaries Request Form
Registration for Returning LCI Students Entering Gr. 10-12
Online Parent Registration for continuing students will begin in mid March of each school year. Please be on the lookout around that time for messaging from your school as to when Parents will be required to complete their registration forms. Please Note - Alberta Education mandates that parents must complete a new registration for each of their children, for each school year. In addition to updating important medical information or emergency contacts; the new registration also updates FOIP permission, Technology Use Agreements, as well as many other items mandated by law. By completing the registration form in PowerSchool in a timely manner, it will save our front office staff from having to call you individually. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! There is an instructional video below to help direct you through the Registration Update Process. As well, if you require any assistance please contact the school and we will be happy to help.
Students will complete PowerSchool Course Requests between May 7th and May 17th. Advisor teachers will be reviewing course pathways and PowerSchool instructions before course requests occur with the students. Please note that it is very important that ALL STUDENTS HAVE ACCESS TO THEIR STUDENT POWERSCHOOL ACCOUNTS. This is important for not only requesting courses, but for viewing their timetable in August. Students who have forgotten their PowerSchool login info should visit the office before May 7th to get access to their PowerSchool accounts.
LCI has students select courses now so the administration can create a timetable that reflects student choice. Students will be able to view their timetables in late August and will have the chance to make necessary changes at that point. See the videos at the bottom of the webpage for further assistance.
Registration for Students Entering Gr. 9
Welcome to LCI! We are excited for you to join us and support your journey from Green and Gold.
Registration Links will be emailed Spring 2024. You will receive an email link to update your current Lethbridge School Division registration, medical information, emergency contacts, and FOIP forms.
Grade 9 CTS Option selection through PowerSchool will happen TBD in their current home room. Please note that students select CTS options now so the administration can create a timetable that reflects student choice. Students will receive their timetables in August and can make necessary CTS option changes at that point. In order to complete option selections, you must have your PowerSchool username and password. Please contact your home school if you require help with your password.
In the fall, Gr. 9 students will have an assigned entry day to receive their timetable, meet their advisor, get school pictures/ID, go on a tour of the building, receive a LCI T-Shirt and a lunch. The afternoon will be a compressed timetable run-through day so students can meet their teachers and find their classes. The first day of school is designed with you in mind, to ensure a comfortable transition from middle school to high school.