Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

What is Dual Credit?

Offering the Dual Credit Program compliments the Lethbridge School District No. 51, Board of Education Priorities: enhancing Achievement, Inclusion and Innovation. Allowing our high school students to explore and experience university and college programming through Dual Credit programming is exciting and inspiring. It creates a vision of “what can happen after high school”.

Each dual credit program presents different opportunities and experiences.  “Dual Credit” allows for students enrolled in these programs to receive High School credits toward graduation, and credit in College or University programs.  At a limited charge to students, courses may be offered at a high school, at the University or College, online or a combination of both.


Ultimately, this initiative seeks to increase exciting learning opportunities and choice for high school students in Lethbridge School District High Schools. Further, the “Dual Credit experience” will assist high school students in building a deeper understanding of the College or University experience.

Liberal Ed 1000

Introductory, multidisciplinary and critical examination of knowledge, the foundation of a liberal education; broad integration of examples from Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts. Discussion groups and labs teach basic skills (critical thinking, numeracy, oral and written communications and research). This course will be taught at the LCI campus during regular school hours.

Liberal Ed 2200

Problems and puzzles across a wide range of disciplines, including word problems, logic puzzles, mathematical problems and famous problems and puzzles in history. Strategies and techniques for solving problems, including Polya's method of problem solving and metacognitive theories. This course will be taught at the Chinook High School campus.

Fundamentals of Business Management 1500

The course will allow participants to develop skills necessary for future university success, such as research, analysis, and communication.  It intends to stimulate future career interests by aligning career paths to respond to the growing supply chain management job market demand locally and globally.  Students will be challenged to analyze and design supply chains using a systems approach and a software simulation package.  This course will stimulate future career interests and expose students to a career they may not have known about otherwise.