First Days of School & Tryouts Information

We are looking forward to the 2024/2025 school year and we hope you are as well. Please note that the LCI office does not open until Monday, August 19th.
Please note, we have all of our students come to the school on the week before classes to get their photos taken, pick up their student ID cards (which are needed for textbook check out) and get bus passes.
The first official day of school for Lethbridge School Division is Tuesday, September 3rd. However, on that Tuesday, we are only inviting the new grade 9 students to come to the school for their orientation day. Wednesday, September 4th is the day that all students will be attending classes.
Tuesday, August 20th – Master Schedule Posted The master schedule outlines all of the different courses that are offered in each block of the day. This will allow you to go in BEFORE submitting any course change requests, to see if the change is even possible. This will help make your change requests more efficient and hopefully allow you to plan things out more strategically. Please note – if you message in for a course change and all that is asked is “What can I take?” or “What other classes are available?”, you will simply be asked to go and look at the master schedule before messaging back in.
Wednesday, August 21st – PowerSchool Opens PowerSchool will open on Wednesday, August 21st at 7:00 am for students to see their Timetables. Students will then be allowed to make Timetable Change Requests through their grade level administrator. Students will be allowed to message their grade level administrator through TEAMS starting at 7:00 am to request any changes that they would like to see. Please see the posting on the LCI website regarding “Timetable Change Requests”
Tuesday August 27th – School Photos & ID Cards School photos start today and go through until tomorrow. This is on a “drop-in, first-come first-served” basis. Once students get their school photo taken, they also receive their student ID card, as well as their bus pass sticker for riding the school busses. All students need to drop by the school to get their photo taken at some point on these two days. (Times have been assigned by grade level to avoid congestion, but anytime on either of the two days will work)
Tuesday, September 3rd – First Day for Grade 9’s ONLY All the grade 9’s have to do is show up on the front lawn of LCI by 7:50 am and we will take care of you from there! Feel free to arrive a little early for a chance to mix and mingle with your friends. You will be directed where to go by staff. The whole day is reserved for just the Grade 9’s to help them get acclimated to high school life and familiar with the building.
Tuesday, September 3rd – New Grade 10 11 & 12 Student & Parent Orientation From 6:00 to 8:00 pm, any NEW grade 10 11 & 12 students will need to come to LCI to pick up their new student packages in the Learning Commons (Library). This will include their Timetable, Computer Login info, Bussing information, PowerSchool info, etc. A school tour will also be given at that time for students who want to be a part of it. Parents invited to attend as a lot of important information for parents will also be presented. Please see the posting on the LCI main webpage for more information
Wednesday, September 4th – First Day for ALL Grade Levels As students arrive on Wednesday morning, they can head straight to their 1st period classes to get ready to kick start the school year. Student will be receiving course outlines, going to check out textbooks, and finding out what supplies they will need for their classes all the first days of school.
Friday, September 5th – Last Day for Timetable Changes This will be the last day that students can request a timetable change to have classes added or switched. Student should continue to make their requests via TEAMS messages to their grade level admin. Please see the post on “Timetable Change Request” for more information.
Tuesday, September 10th – Meet the Teacher Night At 7:00 pm in the Large Gym, there will be a short “Introduction to LCI” presentation given to students and parents. After the presentation, there will be a stand-up social opportunity to walk around and meet with each of the teachers if you so choose. This is an informal opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher and put a face to the name.
Fall Sports Tryouts and Meeting Dates - For all athletic event see the LCI Athletic Calendar throughout the year
- Football (gr. 10-12) - Contact Darren Majeran
- Gr. 10-12 Girls Volleyball - Contact Derek Usman
- Gr. 9 Girls Volleyball - Contact Jessica Ressler
- Gr. 10-12 Boy Volleyball - Contact Dusting McCubbing
- Gr. 9 Boy Volleyball - Contact Arron Lai
- Aug 30 - 3pm Gr. 9-12 Cross Country Practice – Meet at LCI Sign - Contact Alyssa Sutherland
- Sept 5 - Lunch Gr. 10-12 Golf Meeting in Small Lecture Theatre - Contract Jesse Sawyer
Enjoy your summer break and we look forward to a great 2024/2025 school year!